Behavioral Health CP Transitions of Care
Health Policy Matters (HPM) has experience developing best practice approaches to address Transitions of Care for Behavioral Health CPs and ACOs. HPM would provide whatever level of customization the ACO or CP desires, and will give attention to existing processes in both the ACO and the CP organization, in addition to multiple other factors. HPM will customize the project to meet the ACO or CP’s needs as they define them. A sample approach, which could be customized to meet the Behavioral Health CP’s needs is as follows:
Goal: To increase the number of members who receive follow-up after a facility-based admission within three days of discharge. A secondary goal may be to increase engagement of members, given opportunities to obtain Consent and Participation forms during an inpatient hospitalization.
- Increase Behavioral Health CP participation in the discharge planning process
- Enhance coordination across the inpatient and outpatient settings
- Improve outcomes for Behavioral Health CP members
HPM will work with your Behavioral Health CP to: identify the current transitions of care process; identify best practices in transitions of care for your organization; collaborate with stakeholder organizations to improve transitions of care; and, design a strategy to improve outcomes.