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How do we manage TA if our proposed TA project involves another organization or partner?

A How do we manage TA if our proposed TA project involves another organization or partner? If your partner is willing to participate in the TA effort, they are welcome […]

May 18, 2021

Are there additional costs that ACOs and CPs have to consider regarding TA?

A Are there additional costs that ACOs and CPs have to consider regarding TA? The TA funds are an additional source of funding provided by MassHealth’s DSRIP Statewide Investments program. […]

How long is my TA Card active?

A How long is my TA Card active? The first TA Cards were issued on September 21, 2018. New TA Cards are issued annually starting January 1, 2019 through 2022. […]

Can I work with a TA Vendor in a TA Domain for which that TA Vendor was not procured?

A Can I work with a TA Vendor in a TA Domain for which that TA Vendor was not procured? Yes, ACOs and CPs may engage any TA Vendor in […]

Can I work with more than one TA Vendor?

A Can I work with more than one TA Vendor? Yes! If you have numerous TA priorities, you can work with multiple TA Vendors on distinct projects.

How do TA Competency Areas overlap with MassHealth management priorities, readiness criteria, and other ACO and CP standards and requirements?

A How do TA Competency Areas overlap with MassHealth management priorities, readiness criteria, and other ACO and CP standards and requirements? TA Competency Areas provide a framework for thinking about […]

What are TA Competency Areas? How are they different than TA Domains?

A What are TA Competency Areas? How are they different than TA Domains? TA Competency Areas outline the key spaces within which ACOs and CPs must continually maximize their capabilities […]

Frequently Asked Questions

a I am not sure what kind of TA my organization needs. Where do I start? Start by reviewing the TA Domains, which were developed based on feedback from MassHealth [...]

I am not sure what kind of TA my organization needs. Where do I start?

A I am not sure what kind of TA my organization needs. Where do I start? Start by reviewing the TA Domains, which were developed based on feedback from MassHealth […]

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SMC Partners

At our core is the desire to help clients be successful. In order to do that, staff must be experienced in the work that the client does and have a point of view about what can be accomplished. Health care and social services remains our focus, with highly regarded subject matter experts on […]

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November 29, 2017

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