Deriving Value from Health Information Exchange
Do you participate in an HIE but question whether you are getting all the value that you can out of services like hospital event notifications? Does your EHR vendor enable you to access data from other organizations, but you are not sure how to make use of this functionality effectively? Have you woven steps to access and use external data into your clinical and operational workflows to better serve your patients, measure outcomes, and drive improvement (or do you hope to do so)?
Provider organizations in Massachusetts have increasing access to external data for a more complete picture of the individuals and populations they serve, often through multiple different methods, and from a range of external sources. But most organizations fail to fully realize the value of this data.
Through this Off-the-Shelf SOW, Intrepid Ascent provides the following services:
- Identifying organizational priorities or “use cases” for data from external sources
- A mapping of incoming data flows
- A crosswalk of incoming data and data flows against organizational priorities for the use of such data to understand fit, opportunities, and gaps
- Recommendations for deriving additional value from incoming data through including technical, policy, and/or workflow enhancements
As a customization for Community Partners, we would focus on CP access to data from ACOs and other health care partners based on evolving models for data governance and data sharing across sectors. We will seek to help CPs answer the question: “How can we access clinical data based on the agreements we have with ACOs and how can we most effectively make use of that clinical data?”