Unlocking Access to Justice for Health Equity – Consultation
MLPB’s suite of Unlocking Access services includes legal problem-solving consultation for health workforce colleagues who are partnering with people confronting health-related social needs. This MLPB TA takes the form of real-time and rapid-response consultative support for defined team(s) at an ACO/CP: (1) Real-time consults: MLPB Legal Advisor (attorney licensed and in good standing in MA) embeds within standing ACO/CP interdisciplinary team meetings (IDTMs) to help “issue-spot” and identify members’ legal risks, rights, and remedies in the context of health-related social need problem-solving and expectation management. Each IDTM is typically 90 minutes long. (2) Rapid-response consults: MLPB Legal Advisor team is available to ACO/CP staff outside of standing IDTMs via phone/email for additional consultative support, during standard business hours. This Off the Shelf TA contemplates “train-the-trainer” impact by which supervising team-members and more senior members of the workforce develop skills that they can impart to their less experienced colleagues. Functionally, it serves as an HRSN/SDOH Learning Community or Community of Practice. In this setting and all contexts, MLPB is offering technical assistance to the interdisciplinary team not supervisory or “outside counsel” support.
The TA project optimally is targeted to a workforce team dedicated to a specific member population or sub-population.